dog advice
I am passionate about dog advice & making life better for every dog I encounter. I am forever gathering information for my own use in the day-to-day running of a house full of dogs, so I blog a lot of what I find. I also blog when I need to rant about something that needs to be ranted about. I hope you enjoy my blog. I’ve blogged about topics ranging from dietary info to grooming to behavioural issues. If what you are looking for isn’t on the blog, please contact me at and I will see what I can do.
Is your dog making you sick?
Here at Rrruffhouse our dog trainers are always seeking knowledge to help dog owners do better. Did you know that you can actually get sick from your dog? Did you know that many times you wouldn't even know how you got sick or that it was even possible for your dog to...
Parvo, what is it? How do I prevent it?
Rrruffhouse dog trainers spend many hours a day researching things we get asked the most about, we get asked questions about health, food recommendations, what vets to use, what vaccines do we need, what toys, bedding, leashes collars do we need, do we need training?...
Dog trainers ask are you ready for a puppy?
If you have told yourself " I want a dog" or " I need a puppy" and you think your ready then here are a few questions you should ask yourself first to help you determine if your really ready? Will you be having a baby in your dogs lifetime? If you have children how...
How do I choose a dog trainer?
First ask yourself what you want your dog to learn? Is your dog an extreme case? If your dog is an extreme case then sit, stay, come or heel is not the first things you need to learn. Some trainers don't do rehabilitation, some don't do behavioural modification and...
When I got a dog
When I got my new dog I asked for strength that I might rear her perfectly; I was given weakness that I might feed her more treats. I asked for good health that I might rest easy; I was given a "special needs" dog that I might know nurturing. I asked for an obedient...
Welcome everyone to my site both old and new clients! This coming March we will be having a March madness sale 25% off on all of our training packages and other services such as boarding. Did your family get a new puppy at Christmas? Find your self a little...
Got mud? Here is a quick fix until it dries up
So...... if you have a back yard or a dog run or kennel and it is as muddy and soupy as mine was from your dogs running around in the mild weather and tearing up your yard, here is a quick solution and cost effective. I had a huge dilemma I have several dogs of my own...
Why is my dog shy? what can I do?
Do you have an overly shy dog? Shyness can happen as a result of a prior bad experience, poor socialization, or the way you're raising them. Bringing your dog out more will help him to enjoy the company of people and other dogs, rather than shying away all the time....
How to choose a healthy puppy
I get asked this question a lot by first time puppy owners, Before you bring your new puppy home, it is important to check your puppy's overall health and condition. Taking the time to look over your puppy will help you to spot any possible health problems that could...
How to trim your dogs nails safely
Unless your dog runs around on hard surfaces that help keep toenails short, you have to clip them about once a week — if you hear them clicking on a hard surface, it’s time for a trim. Most dogs detest having their feet handled, so clipping may never be your favorite...
The dangers of rawhide
Rawhide is sold in just about every pet store – often in many different varieties. It’s a staple in most households with pets. Yet many blogs, organizations, and veterinarians warn that rawhide could not only be dangerous, it could actually be lethal. Here’s what you...
Home made dog cookies
Sorry, nothing really funny happened today! So rather than chat about nothing I thought I would give you a recipe for home-made dog cookies! So here it is!! 1 cup honey 1 cup peanut butter 1 tbsp olive oil enough flour of your choice to bring it together to be able to...
January Sale
welcome to 2017! Here at Rrruffhouse we are having a welcome to the New Year SALE, to help all the new dog owners this January we are offering a variety of services at 25% off all month long. We are also offering our consultations at 15% off. If you have rescued an...
We are happy to announce that we are now a Canadian distributer of the Tick key, the last tool you will ever need to help in your defence in lime disease. The Tick key is 99% successful in removing ticks from you, dogs, cats horses anything that can get a tick. It...
BSL RANT long but worth the read please!
I would like to start off this blog by saying I am disgusted by humans in power with ignorance as their argument for power making decisions. As many of you know that Montreal has recently joined the BSL Bann, not a club anyone wants to join or be a pert of. I would...
Summer is almost over
Well it has been a crazy summer all around, we have made many new friends, new clients and also have made some new families. We have rescued a few dogs this year and found them great forever homes, we have lots of pictures to share on our Facebook page. Many new...
Success Bootcamp- Tucker
Tucker has successfully completed Boot Camp. Now, we – the humans - are the ones in Boot Camp!! Grace gave Tucker the training he needed to be a well behaved dog. Now, she is providing us with the tools and training we need to continue with her good work. You may...
Welcome everyone, We here at Rrruffhouse are seeing a big jump in new dog owners now that the nice weather has arrived, if you are considering us for any of your training needs now would be the time. SALE! we are offering for the month of June 15% discount on any...
Success-Bailey- Bootcamp
Bailey is a 9 month old labradoodle that was raised in a very loving home with a yorkie named Lilly AKA Frank, lol. Lilly was the first dog in the home and was a very well balanced adult by the time Bailey was brought home, Holly and Ernie started puppy training right...
MRSP: The other staph infection threatening dogs
This is a question I get a few times a week. Because methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) infections are becoming so common and people are aware of potential concerns regarding transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)...
Success for Scooby – Bootcamp
Scooby was a three month old German Sheppard that was a typical puppy, he was loud and always back talking to let everyone know he was not happy or wanted to play even though it was midnight. Scooby also would pee when ever he got excited or was overwhelmed when...