What is Dog Boot Camp?
Boot Camp is reserved for the hard to handle dogs who are not getting along well in their environment due to lack of discipline, manners or possibly owners that are in over their heads. Maybe you have a rescue that needs that bit of extra attention to help overcome their past. Maybe this is your first dog. Maybe your dog is stubborn. Who knows? There are as many reasons for boot camp as there are dogs!
Is Boo
t Camp Right for my dog?
This service is not offered to everyone. We reserve Boot Camp for dogs and humans who have the greatest needs. It is usually as a last case resort for dogs who are going to be given up if we don’t help. It also works well for very neurotic dogs. If this is a service you are interested in please feel to call and inquire.
How long is Boot Camp?
Boot Camp is a 10 day in-house program where your dog comes and stays with us in order to receive more structured training. When the 10 days are complete we work with you to ensure that the many behavioural changes the learned while at Boot Camp continue in their home environment.
This is a very successful program and many, many dogs have benefited from it. To read more on Boot Camp results click to read some of our SUCCESS STORIES.
How much does Boot Camp Cost?
To find out if your dog is a good candidate for Boot Camp we start with an in-person assessment so that we can discuss your dogs needs while I observe the dog.
The purpose of the evaluation is to discover what I can do for you and your dog! If I feel that I cannot help you I will tell you because for me it’s not about money it’s about helping your dog be the best dog it can be!
If we mutually decide to work together we customize a training plan to suit your individual needs. The cost varies for each dog, dependent on the individual needs and will be agreed upon prior to Bootcamp commencement.
Where does the evaluation take place?
If you are in the Quinte and surrounding area I will come to your home, we can meet at the dog park or even at your work (if your dog comes to work with you). We come to where you need us.
I have a question about your boot camp do you help with aggressive behavior? My husband and me recently had one of our pups from a litter we had 4 years ago get returned to us his previous family had no explanation for why they could no longer keep him…he has some issues he is good with my husband, our kids, me and other dogs but he is aggressive towards strangers to anyone that comes to the door anyone he encounters out side and off property even to people that have been to our home multiple times it’s to the point our family doesn’t want to come for visits our childrens friends are scared to come over he has been here for 3 months and I have tried everything he gets enough excercise he gets walked 3 times a day each walk is an hour I do agility courses with him I play fetch with him and play games with him to make sure he gets enough mental stimulation as well. I have tried the whole ignore him and turn your back no eye contact when people come over and he just goes in to the area they are in and continues I have tried them dropping a treat to him when coming in to show they arent bad or scary people but he just continues I have tried crating him upstairs he just continues in the crate he charges, barks and growls he has never bit but I also put his muzzle on when people arrive for their and his safety now I dont want to give up on him sense his previous family did but my husband has put his foot down and said if he continues then he will have to go to a rescue I would really appreciate if you can help as you are honestly my last resort.
If you would like my help please give me a call when you have time to chat
My wife has a chihuahua /pom cross. She is 6 years old. We lived in an apt and her barking got us evicted. We secured a full hose rental but the owners sold the house and now we are back in an apt again as we didn’t have any notice to this happening and was all we could get in short notice. We don’t want to get evicted again and rehomeing her is not an option. She brakes at any noise she hears and won’t stop. She even barks at noises when she’s sleeping. Is this a behaviour your boot camp correct. Please let us know. Thx in advance.
Hi there, thank you for your interest in us. Yes this could be an issue that we could fix in Bootcamp but before we get to that I would need a bit more info. We have many options for training and would love to have a chance to discuss them with you and also collect a bit more back ground. Please give me a call at your convenience so we can chat and work out a plan that best suits you. I think Bootcamp may be the way to go but lets see what we can do. My number is 613-661-7418 please give us a call between 9am-9pm. Thank you in advance.
I had a couple questions about your boot camp…My husband and I have had our Dog Scotia for about 5 years now…we got her from an older couple that I feel didn’t tell us the whole story. Scotia has come a LONG way since we have had her but there are something’s that I just don’t know how to go about fixing….Scotia is great with me and Steve, but has aggression issues with other dogs, strangers and children. She is good with our little girl but I don’t trust her to be in the same room simply because Hailee is too young to understand boundaries. I Love Scotia to death and don’t want to give her up, but with another one on the way I need help to make myself feel more comfortable with her around the kids. If you would please message me back so we can discuss further that would be great!
Heather Barkema
Please give us a call at 613-779-1236 we can absolutely help you. We can discuss multiple options we have available for you.