I would like to thank all my clients, past, current and upcoming. I appreciate your business and I try really hard to be there for you and your dogs needs, I am very respectful of your time by showing up on time and try to never be late, if traffic or something makes me late I call before I’m late to let you know, respectful of your time. Although I love answering your calls, texts and emails as promptly as possible to help you as soon as possible and with that said I answer clients 5 days a week from 9am to 9pm. I really do not appreciate 6am phone calls and 11pm text messages and hundreds of calls and text during the weekend, Saturday and Sunday is my family time and also my time to get some much needed rest and to re-energize so I can be at my very best when I come to work for you. If you really need my attention on a weekend I would appreciate an email vs phone calls or texts. I run the roads Monday thru Friday again from 9am to 9pm which means some days that gets me home by 10pm, which I do happily 5 days a week because I LOVE what I do. Again thank you for all your business and support and moving forward try to refrain from calls and texts before 9am or after 9pm. Thank you for understanding and patience.