How to Treat Hives on a Dog

Hives in an of themselves are usually not a serious condition and you may not even know that your dog has them unless you feel its skin. However, they can be indicative of a serious allergic reaction. You may feel welts or raised spots which means that it may have...

Deworming Dogs and Puppies

Although nearly all dogs are infested with parasites at one time or another, most develop an immunity that keeps the parasite population in check. This immunity can break down, however, under conditions of stress or ill health. When that happens, the worms increase in...

Dog Ticks and Fleas Q&A

Although there are more than 2,200 kinds of fleas, it only takes one type to cause a lot of misery for you and your pet. We went to internationally known flea and tick expert Michael Dryden to find out how to fight fleas and eliminate ticks. Dryden has a doctorate in...

Mosquito Bites and Your Dog

More than just irritating pests, mosquitoes are a primary cause of heartworm in dogs. Along with the arrival of warm and humid summer days comes an ever-present annoyance – mosquitoes. Although your dog’s fur or hair offers some protection against mosquito...

Heartworms in Dogs: Facts and Myths

Heartworms in dogs are easy to prevent, but difficult and costly to cure. We asked Sheldon Rubin, 2007-2010 president of the American Heartworm Society, to separate facts from the myths about heartworm infestations in dogs. Q: How do dogs get heartworms? A: Only by...

Humanizing Your Dog

One of the most important things I want to get across is that dogs are dogs — not humans! Find a canine solution. Often, the solution we would use for a human is totally wrong for solving a dog’s issues. For example, when a human sees a scared or nervous dog, s/he...

Caring For a Deaf Dog

Types of Deafness There are two types of deafness – acquired and congenital. Congenital deafness occurs due to a defective gene that results in a malformation or nonfunctional ear. In Susan Cope Becker’s book, Living With A Deaf Dog, 64 dog breeds with reported...


Well after yesterdays question of : why does my neutered dog hump? I got flooded with, why does my female dog hump even when she is fixed? Well this is my thought on the whole subject and I hope it answers all the humping questions. If not ask me another and I will...