by Grace Bryson | Oct 8, 2014 | Huh? Did you know?, something to think about, things you should know, Training Tips
Dog owners have a way – sometimes within DAYS of first becoming dog owners – of becoming EXPERTS on animal behavior. It blows my mind. These are people who observe their animals displaying interesting or curious behaviors and make up things like “dogs like being put...
by Grace Bryson | Oct 8, 2014 | Huh? Did you know?, something to think about, things you should know, Training Tips
Dog owners have a way – sometimes within DAYS of first becoming dog owners – of becoming EXPERTS on animal behavior. It blows my mind. These are people who observe their animals displaying interesting or curious behaviors and make up things like “dogs like being put...
by Grace Bryson | Sep 25, 2014 | Featured, Huh? Did you know?, something to think about, things you should know
Most dogs eat and drink from bowls placed on the ground. Some dogs, especially taller breeds, may have trouble reaching the food and water bowls at this level without straining. Elevated food and water bowls make the dog’s food and water more readily available...
by Grace Bryson | Apr 25, 2014 | things you should know
There are various factors that will cause vomiting in dogs. Sometimes it may be a result of a medical condition such as colitis or kidney disease–other times it may be the pet has a food allergy–or simply put her mouth where it didn’t belong. Here...
by Grace Bryson | Mar 5, 2014 | Food for thought, Huh? Did you know?, something to think about, things you should know
Have you ever scanned the ingredients in a commercial dog food and thought, “How can this be healthy?” Some may think most pet foods available in stores today are processed and full of preservatives, they are not any better for our dogs than potato...
by Grace Bryson | Nov 27, 2013 | Food for thought
rrruffhouse is proud to announce that we are officially part of the Great Canadian Dog Food Company. As of December 12 you can buy your food from rrruffhouse! 18kg bag of dog food is $45 per bag, no taxes! If you would like to learn more about this food go...
by Grace Bryson | Oct 28, 2013 | Food for thought, Huh? Did you know?, something to think about, things you should know, Training Tips
A dog’s stomach has the ability to twist in a painful and often deadly condition called bloat. Medically known as gastric dilatation/volvulus, bloat can occur when a dog eats a meal too quickly. Fast action is required to re position the dog’s stomach, or your...
by Grace Bryson | Sep 27, 2013 | something to think about, things you should know
With the cold weather and cranked-up heat — comes the dry and itchy skin — and with the dry and itchy skin — comes the moisturizers. But while you’re protecting your own skin, you might want to think about Fido’s too. Dogs experience the...
by Grace Bryson | Sep 25, 2013 | Day in the Life, Huh? Did you know?, Just because, something to think about, things you should know
Fleas can drive pets and their owners nuts. They can cause skin problems for animals and the people who love them. Treating the pet is not the end of flea control — it is only the beginning. Once fleas get in the house, you have to treat the entire dwelling. You...
by Grace Bryson | Sep 1, 2013 | Food for thought, Huh? Did you know?
Dogs will eat just about anything. Despite a popular misconception, dogs cannot instinctively tell what foods are healthy for them and what foods can make them sick. Pet food companies are required to list food ingredients on a side label, but some ingredients can be...