tuckerHi Grace

Our girl has now been home for almost a week and we are seeing a positive difference in her behavior.  We are well aware that we have a long way to go but you have put all of us on the right track.

You have made us aware of how we can help Tucker overcome some of her fears.  If we work on this, Tucker will be more confident and happier and we will therefore be happier.

Since being home Purolator was able to make a delivery without her barking out of control.  She went to Toronto with us and was in the office with me all day.  No one could believe how quiet she was.  She did not try and bite anyone – she has not progressed enough for anyone to pet her but at least she did not lunge at them and try and bite.

We believe barking in the car is getting well under control although it takes a few corrections before we can put gas in the car without her barking continuously.  Practice will eventually get this perfect.

We really appreciate knowing you are only an email or phone call away should we need your help.

Will up date you again as we progresses.

Nickie and Barbra.

P.S.  As per the picture, I think she misses puppet so she is sleeping with her toy.