We all want to do what’s best for our animals whether its picking the right foods, toys, training programs or pet sitters and dog walkers. Don’t search for answers on google, google has a lot of bad information on it that can hurt your animals, what is right for one dog may not be right for yours! Seek professionals and ask them, read all disclaimers on food, toys, training programs etc. Find out the facts! Can you return a toy or food once it’s been open and you determine it’s not right or safe for you, are all sales final? Animals are expensive if taken care of properly from vet Bill’s, bedding, boarding, training, collars and leashes, food, grooming etc. So spend your money wise! Ask questions, get references, talk to other pet owners but do you due diligence! I do not believe anyone in the animal fields want to harm or mislead customers but sometimes simple things can be over looked or simply assumed. We are all human and it takes a village to raise our pets right! In the end we all want the same things, happy healthy pets. So please do your due diligence and found out the facts and disclaimers before spending your money.
Who is Grace?

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