2nd Annual Charity Yard Sale & Fundraiser
JULY 5 from 8am until 2pm at 119 Cannifton road north
It’s that time of year again, we are accepting donations of any household items to be donated to the yard sale, this year the money will go towards the rrruffstart program. This program is designed to help dogs stay out of human societies or worse, be put down. This year so far the rrruffstart program has taken in over 20 dogs and have successfully rehomed them into forever homes, we recently rescued 7 Great Dane puppies that arrived at 12 hours old and hand raised and bottle fed everyone. All 7 puppies are healthy and have found new homes. Some of the puppies will be on site.
If you or anyone you know would like to make a donation to our yard sale please contact me at 613-661-7418 and we will make arrangements for drop off, this is a yard sale not a garbage sale so please only donate things in good working order that can be sold.you donate anything you have lying around cluttering up your basements and garages. We will also be including this year a bake sale to help raise funds for the rrruffstart program, if you would like to donate baked goods as well please feel free, I just ask you label anything containing nuts for allergy reason.
We will also be having some dog supplies such as collars, name tags, light up name tags and much, much more available to be purchased at reasonable prices. There will be something for everyone! We will also be accepting donations for the rrruffstart program that wont be put into the yard sale, if you have bowls, kennels, blankets, bedding, leashes or anything you may have that you no longer need, we will always need and accept but again must be clean and in good usable condition please.
If you don’t have anything to donate you can always come out to lend a hand and donate your time with helping to set up or just come on out and be apart of something great!