I’m Grace!
I have been working with dogs for just over 22 years and not only do I have experience with unwanted dog behaviors but I also own several dogs of my own – some of which have been surrendered to me for the unwanted behaviours! I want you to meet two very special dogs in my life:
I am currently fostering an English Bulldog who HAD possession issues with his humans. They gave him up because of small children in their home. After in-home rehabilitation, he now resides with me and is looking for a great forever-home and plenty of new adventures! He is awesome by the way, a very good dog! If you know of anyone, please contact me directly.
A year ago a dog who attacked another dog was surrendered to me. After a year of very hard work he now is a great working dog who I often bring with me to help other aggressive dogs learn how to be gentle and kind! This dog is now my right hand man in many difficult situations because I know I can trust him. He and I have a strong bond – created with patience, kindness and positive reinforcement!
So as you can see I don’t just talk the talk I also walk the walk! My whole life revolves around dogs and their owners – setting a higher standard of living with animals! I do this every day without complaint for one reason and one reason only, I LOVE IT!! I love all the excitement, energy and unconditional love I get from happy well-balanced dogs! So this in a nut shell is me, and what I do and who I am!!