Here is a look back at our past 12 weeks, On March 15 2014 I was called to a clients house where 11  Great Dane puppies were born. Needless to say the owners of the mother Fiona were very over whelmed. Aprox 2 months earlier they had rescued Fiona who was a very skinny and under weight beauty, Fiona was a charming dog with loads of personality, Matt and Kate (the owners of Fiona) had no idea that she was pregnant when they rescued her and based on her physical appearance this would not even be possible. 62 days later Fiona gave birth to 11 puppies who were very tiny and under weight and size, this is where I came in. Kate called me to come and see if the babies were okay and offer some assistance on what to do next as they (Kate & Matt) had no idea what to do with puppies and were feeling very over whelmed, they rescued one dog and never imagined she would bless them with 11 babies, but none the less here they are! I went to go see the miracle puppies to find they were incredibly small and did not appear to be in great shape, we all were very concerned as Fiona was not producing milk at that point in time and due to the fact she was herself still incredibly skinny, feared for Fiona’s health. We had all agreed that in order to give all the babies and the mom a fighting chance we would divide and conquer together, I agreed to take 7 babies and they would keep 4 and if Fiona didn’t produce enough milk for those 4 I would take them in as well. Fiona was amazing! Not only did she end up producing milk for her 4 babies she was an incredible mother. Fiona learned what to do rather quickly, after about 3 or 4 days with help from Matt & Kate Fiona took to motherhood like a champ. Fiona raised and nurtured 4 big healthy babies who were all healthy and happy. I went home that afternoon with a laundry basket of aprox 12 hour old babies, I walked in the door and my husband looked at me and said ” I thought you were on a call? ” to which I answered “I was!” he looked at me for about 10 seconds and with a puzzled look on his face says ” did you bring home their laundry? did you expand and not tell me?” I went straight into a nervous giggle and said “no! I have 7 baby Great Dane puppies here in this hamper!” God bless the man I married, without hesitation he said ” Huh, so what do we need to do?” and that was that! He took to fatherhood like a duck to water! Here are some photo’s of our past 12 weeks.

I am so happy to say that this has been the best experience and the most tiring experience of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world! I get to wake up each and every morning to the best faces ever and we have some breakfast then its outside to pee and have a cuddle on the outdoor couch. Life doesn’t get any better than this! Thanks Kate & Matt and of course Fiona for giving us these wonderful babies.