In the past 48 hours I have had some news that has me confused. I can’t for the life of me figure out why humans do the things they do? Probably why I work with dogs, they are much simpler and easy to understand.
Here is my dilemma, people give up dogs either to me or shelters because the dog is either to much for them to handle, or they simply chose the wrong breed, or worse find out that they don’t have the time to spend with the dog to accomplish what the dog needs. This I do understand. I don’t like the reasoning, but I understand. Think before you purchase them, take in account your life style, availability, and finances.
So then WHY do these same people a few weeks later, or a few months later then go and get another dog? If you didn’t have time for the first one or couldn’t afford to train it, spay or neuter it, or have the space for it, then why do you get another one if you haven’t changed anything? You still can’t afford it, or worse you got a more difficult breed than the one you gave away? When I asked why did you get another dog the answer I get freaks me out! Because it was cute and needed a home!!!!!!! So you selfishly took away the opportunity for this dog to find a permanent loving home where it would get everything that it needs from training, medical needs, room to run. You know as well as I do in a few short weeks or months your going to be right back in the situation that you were in before and give up yet another dog, only now that this dog is older it’s going to make placing it in a good home that much harder!
The definition of crazy to me is, doing an activity over and over, change nothing, but expect a better result! CRAZY
This drives me nuts, the irresponsible people who get these dogs and are not willing to do what ever it takes to keep them safe, healthy and happy for the entirety of the dogs life, should stop getting them! You make mine and others jobs much harder than need be. Animals are a commitment! A huge commitment!!
Annual Costs to Care for a Dog
First Year Each Subsequent Year
Food and treats $1200 $1200
Inoculations $300 $150
Worming $ 160 $160
Spaying or neutering $300 – $1000 depending on size of dog
Flea/tick/heart worm prevention $160 $160
Licensing $45 $45
Accessories and toys $150 or more and every year
Grooming $75-400 $ 75-400
Training $300-500 depends on how well you did the first time training is a life long commitment
TOTAL $ 4015 $ 2715
These numbers do not show, health issues, corrective surgery, accidents, etc….. dogs are not cheap!!! There is no such thing as a free dog! If you don’t feel that you can afford this, then don’t get a dog. Dogs like our children deserve to be in homes that can provide at the minimum, the basics, these numbers are the basics!
Please people think long and hard about owning an animal, our shelters are full, foster homes are full, SPCA is full, most dogs and cats that get dumped in these shelters get put down far more times then they get adopted. Especially if we as humans failed them. If your dog is a large breed, untrained, bad mannered, hyper etc. these dogs are usually the ones to be put down first!! They are considered the UNDESIRABLES !! These dogs never asked to be put here, or have bad owners, they are the innocent victims of our selfish ways!!!! Please, please, I beg you to STOP!!!
I just wish everyone could love their pets as much as we do. I know some of us pet owners do go overboard but we are in it for the long haul(good and bad) and will do anything we can to make our pets lives the best we can. You have all my support and I will do anything I can to have tougher laws in place to help our four legged critters and I know a lot of other people will too!!
Thanks for all your support
Now thats something that had to be said! Working in a vet office, I can’t begin to tell you how hard it is to sit there and watch owners make difficult decisions. It is heartbreaking to see people have to decided ‘how much they can afford’ for their pets’ health. People need to think ahead, while we would LOVE to only see your pet for vaccines, chances are we’re going to see them for medical problems. People need a realistic idea of how much their pet is going to cost them. The basics (from a vet field stand point) Yearly vaccinations, preventative measures (heartworm, flea/tick), and training for dogs (cats tend not to respond very well to training (-: ) Each of these are key aspects in your pets care and NEED to be done properly. They may be four legged members of the family, but they are also an integral part of your life.. they can carry illnesses and diseases that can affect your family members, and without proper training- a possible danger to those same family members!
Thanks for your view point as a vet tech!! People need to understand what the cost of owning these guys are in advance so we do buy them cause their cute, then get rid because they get expensive!! People need to think before they buy!! Thanks for your input!
I totally agree with this, you just wrote your last article about options people have before they absolutely have to give up their animals. After I read that article I saw exactly what you were taking about ( multiple kijiji ads for free dogs and cats to good homes) how after 4,5 or even 8 years can you no longer keep your pet? It doesn’t make sense even these little pups and kittens that are weeks to months old are free to good home because these people are moving to apartments that don’t allow animals do they honestly not think when purchasing this animal that in a few weeks to a month that they will be moving to a new place that won’t allow their pets? I could never settle for a place that couldn’t accept my whole family, pets are not just animals they are members of the family!
Thanks for your comment, I spend a lot of hours each and everyday trying to defend the animals with no voice!! We need to have stronger laws to protect these animals!! We also need stricter adoption policies as well
Absolutely! And if you told me we have the power to have more strict adoption policies put in placebos work my ass off to make it happen to help these innocent animals from being tossed around from home to home or shelter to pet store. It disgusts me how inconsiderate people can be to other living beings. Would you just give your kid up for adoption if you had no money for its food? Hell no! You’d work your ass off to put food on the table so how come your pets dont get the same commitment?
You are right! People need to pull up their boot straps and start giving a shit!! I am going to start to look into putting a new law in place and I will give blood, sweat and tears to make a change!!! Could use all the support I can get!
I couldn’t agree more, if you are on welfare, no matter the reason, do not use my tax payo b money to purchase an animal that I am now paying for and you aren’t going to keep or don’t have it fixes and or keep it’s shots up to date and then have unwanted puppies and or give other dogs disease! Ok not even just dogs any animal or reptile!!! If you are working and living hand to mouth you won’t have time for your pet unless it is a gold fish or the money so don’t do it!!!! If you feel the need go get said goldfish!!
Good blog Grace !! Bravo for addressing this!!
Thanks Deb! I’m sure we are not the only ones with this being an issue!