Tail chasing is normal for excited and playful puppies or kittens. However, it can also be a sign of itching and inflammation at the base of the tail, lower back, or anus caused by allergies, liver disease, fleas, or anal sac disease. Tail chasing can also be the start of a compulsive disorder
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Avoid encouraging the behavior with praise, regardless of how funny tail chasing looks.
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Allow very young, happy puppies to chase their tails for one minute. Then ignore the behavior.
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Play with your puppy and take him for a walk to release excess energy that often accompanies tail chasing.
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Ignore the behavior completely in older dogs by doing and saying nothing – even if that means leaving the room.
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Always have chew toys available. Stress often triggers the behavior.
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Have your veterinarian screen the animal to rule out causes and provide proper treatment. Drug therapy may be needed in certain cases.
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Consult a pet behaviorist for compulsive tail chasers.
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