So apparently I am not the only one with the ” I hate Mondays ” and the winter blahs. This is Junior, normally a happy-go-lucky kinda guy but today not so much. Started out to be a very fine day, we had a nice snowy morning which everyone loved myself included, but by 3 pm the rain came and this is what I had looking at me, a very annoyed little guy who did not want to come in, nor did he want to stay out in the rain. Life is very unfair today according to Junior as this was the real first day in a while that it was warm enough to play outside and he just did not want to give that up. Well after about a half hour of internal struggle for him he finally came in and pouted for several hours. Poor Junior, life is tough when you’re a dog! If only life were that simple for me.
Poor Junior. I know how you feel buddy.