This is our newest member of the family! Her name was Lady when she arrived in our home one week ago today, since then she has been renamed Lunedi which is italian for Monday we call her Nedi for short. She is a three-year old boxer who was brought in by a Paramedic friend of mine who got her after a 911 call to her house. Her owner in his 80’s had passed away and she was now an orphan. I got the call asking if she could come here and find her a good forever home, of course I said yes! I am happy to say she has now found her new forever home here with us at rrruffhouse! She is an amazing dog and has been very well taken care of by her old master, plenty of love and affection. She is so well-behaved and obedient, literally nothing for me to fix or change, well maybe one thing……. she keeps taking my spot on the couch! I can’t say enough good things about this little lady, I am sad her owner passed away but thankful we got to meet her!!
Who is Grace?

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