This is Tilly, she is a very neurotic Sheppard who is in for boot camp. Tilly has a few issues of non stop whimpering and whining, wont stay in a room by herself, if her human moves so does she! Tilly likes to bark non stop outside at the world for no reason, pulls on a walk, wont come when called and wants to control human movement in the home when guests are in just to name a few. Tilly has a lot of issue and some are bigger than others but all can be fixed and managed if we teach her some new coping skills. Tilly has been with us now for nine days and goes home tomorrow. I am extremely happy to say that Tilly is no longer whining and whimpering and has not since day two, she is now absolutely silent in the house. Tilly does not bark outside at anything other than the dog she is playing with, Tilly is walking very nice using her new gentle leader and also passes other dogs and people on our walks with no issues. Tilly will lay down and relax in the house now and when we move from room to room she does pick up her head to see where we are going but does not follow anymore! I can honestly say that we are sadly only 50/50 with the come when called, if she wants in she will come but if she is having fun and doesn’t want it to end…..well she wont come! I think we still need to work on that and will do so in her home after care. Tilly doesn’t control human movement here either so that also will be a home training issue that I will work on with the owners. I am proud to say that I think Tilly did really well considering what we had to work with…lol. I look forward to taking Tilly home tomorrow and showing her owners what a good dog they have and showing them how to keep up what I have taught Tilly, I know her owners will do well and I will work them on a on going basis to ensure success for them and Tilly.
I love to read your success stories Grace. You are changing the landscape of the canine world one dog at a time!
Thank you! I love my job more than words can express! I love building great dogs that succeed in the human world!
Hi Grace
I had today a phone call with you I am looking forward to meet you, you must be just perfectly for my Germain sheppard her name is Dina
I wish you the most beautiful weekend