Zeus  is a 8 month old Sheppard cross who is a very energetic young pup,

zeusZeus has just recently gone through our boot camp training where he was highly successful, when he arrived he was a very ill-mannered young pup with lots of little bad behaviours such as; nipping, jumping, paper shredding, not coming when called, attention seeking, impatient, jumping on furniture and not giving back an object from his mouth just to name a few, We got him started on a gentle leader to master the walk first, this was very important in building a bond with him and our staff, once that was accomplished we could move forward. It has been a long journey, but was well worth the effort. Zeus is now a very calm, respectful and kind young man who is now a joy to be around. I am proud to say Zeus has passed boot camp with flying colors! Way to go Zeus!!