Hi there. I’m Grace. I am a very hard working, compassionate and strong willed woman who loves a challenge and never backs down from a hard days work, which is a good mix for working with dogs that are having trouble getting along in the world with us humans! The greatest reward I get in life is when someone tells me I saved the life of their dog so they didn’t have to give it up! I love nothing more then showing people how to be a leader in their own world and all aspects of life! I am a leader, and walk my own path in life and I’ll go where ever it takes me! CLICK TO READ MORE...
We were just talking about that today and I forgot all about it tonight when I needed it!
Ghost had company all day. He was a muddy mess and when I went to tubby him the shower broke. I now have a half dirty dog!
Wow! Take him to the car wash that has the dog wash in it, for $5 you can get him clean
I can’t imagine bath time at your house! lol
let me tell what an ordeal it is!! I think I am wetter than they are.
lol, that is how it is when I bathe my Sasha!