This is a Reagan update, she has been with us now about six weeks and in that short time she has learned many things. When Reagan came to us she was a bit of a wild dog in the sense she had zero manners, jumping on furniture, people, tables you name it, if she could get her feet on it she would jump up on it! She was not house broken at all, in fact she peed where ever she felt like it and pooped when ever she felt like it. Reagan didn’t even know the basic like sit, stay, come, off well lets just say she knew nothing! I will admit the first two days I asked myself ” what did I get myself into? ” I am so happy we never gave up, in six long but short weeks Reagan has become a wonderful addition to our family, she has been spayed and fully vaccinated she now knows all her commands through sign language, she will sit, stay, come, back up, away and even off!! She knows them all and she even walks like a good girl, the walking still needs some improvement but for the most part pretty good! We have also been teaching puppet to take care of Reagan and to be her ears for her, we have also taught Reagan that if Puppet moves , so does she! If Reagan isn’t looking my way so I can use the sign language to come, I just ask Puppet to go get her and she does! Reagan follows Puppet or myself anywhere and everywhere, the two girls are inseparable ! I can’t say enough good things about her and I am so proud of her and so glad she is here with us! It just goes to show you even a disabled dog in this case deaf, can do anything with kindness, gentleness but mostly patients! Lots, and lots of patients!!