Well here I go again! lol, its another Friday here at rrruffhouse and I find myself doing what I normally do on a Friday which is take what is going on in the world around me for the week and weigh in on it! Todays topic seems to be the definition of abuse? If you look in the dictionary or even some of the SPCA websites it will  clearly explain, but there are more ways to abuse an animal then I think people realize so I thought I would help educate you. It is cruel and abusive if………

  • you intentionally inflict harm
  • you buy and get rid of animals on a regular basis, your a recycler of animals
  • you cant afford the basic care i.e. vaccines, spay, neuter, training
  • you use training collars improper such as choke chains, prong or pinch collars
  • you keep your dog confined in a kennel longer then 4-6 hours without letting them out to eat, drink, pee
  • you don’t train your dog properly
  • you don’t teach your children how to be gentle to your dog so it never harms your child
  • you don’t feed it properly, not enough, not the right diet, only once a day
  • you keep it chained up outside in all weather
  • you breed your dog for profit without any prenatal check ups, they are not an income for you
  • you use excessive force when disciplining your dogs
  • you abandon the animal just because you cant fulfill your commitment to the lifetime care it needs i.e. moving and cant take it with you, don’t have time for it anymore
  • your an impulse buyer, bought the dog without any research of the breed or its needs, you bought it because its cute
  • you neglect your dogs needs for attention, exercise or socialization it is a chore to you and not a pet
  • you use your dog to control someone’s actions e.g.. ” if you leave I will kill your dog!”

I can go on for days and I am pretty sure most of you can add a thing or two of what you define as abusive, for that I applaud all of you who look out for the health and welfare of these animals who cannot do it for themselves. With that said I also feel like I need to speak about the way some people treat others who are simply trying their best to do what they think is right and don’t even realize that some of their actions may be considered abusive, but again with that said some of you who attack these people on social media such as Facebook and animal websites should be ashamed of yourselves! Attacking people will never get you far in life, instead of kicking them when they are down try to re-educate them, send them to people to can provide the help they may need in the situation they find themselves in. When you jump on these hate bandwagon’s on these sites it just speaks volumes about who you are and usually makes you look worse then the offender, you know what they say about people who live in glass houses! Everyone makes mistakes, everyone did the wrong thing for the right reasons, everyone needs a little help and support once in awhile so instead of shaming them publicly lets try and help and support these people at least until we find out the entire story, there is usually more then meets the eye and no one took the time to find out before the public attacks. Now if the said person is a repeat offender then YES please step in! Please do something about it but do it right! Call the authorities, Call animal control call who ever needs to be called but stop this cyber bulling it will get you NOWHERE! it simply makes you look bad and it speaks volumes about the drama you seem to crave. Lets help when we can, educate when we can, rescue when we can, save when we can, call the proper authorities when needed, but never publicly prosecute on social website because if you legitimately have a legal case you may actually do more harm to your credibility and no one will take you serious and now you can no longer help the animal in need.

Here is a legal explanation of the term animal cruelty encase your interested?

What is Animal Cruelty?

Animal cruelty generally falls into two categories: neglect, or intentional cruelty. Neglect is the failure to provide adequate water, food, shelter, or necessary care. Examples of neglect include: starvation; dehydration; inadequate shelter; parasite infestations; failure to seek veterinary care when an animal is in need of medical attention; allowing a collar to grow into an animal’s skin; confinement without adequate light, ventilation, space or in unsanitary conditions; and failure to trim hoofs or nails resulting in excessive growth (e.g. hoofs curling upwards). In some cases neglect is a result of the owner’s ignorance, and can be rectified by law enforcement authorities, like the Ontario SPCA, educating the owner and issuing orders to improve the animal’s living conditions.

If an owner fails to make the required changes, Ontario SPCA investigators can remove the animal to ensure they receive the necessary care. In cases where the owner no longer wants responsibility for the animal, the owner may surrender ownership to the Ontario SPCA or an affiliated Humane Society. In more severe cases, circumstances may require the Ontario SPCA, affiliated humane societies, or other law enforcement authorities to remove the animals immediately to provide urgent medical care.

Equally disturbing as neglect is the brutality of intentional cruelty, involving deliberate physical harm or injury inflicted on an animal. Regretfully, cases of animals being beaten, burned, poisoned or stabbed to death are not uncommon.
In some cases neglect or cruelty is the result of people using animals as tools for commercial profit, such as in the cases of puppy mills, dog fighting, cock fighting and illegal slaughterhouses.

Using deception to mask abuse:
Perpetrators of animal cruelty often portray themselves as kindly animal lovers, making it difficult for people to believe them capable of abuse. From the “friendly” neighbour who mistreats his pets behind closed doors, to the “respected” community member who operates a puppy mill or substandard zoo – there is no one identifying feature that marks a person as capable of committing such unfathomable crimes. Abuse of any animal is upsetting, not only for the pain and suffering inflicted on the animal, but for the fact that animal abuse is often a precursor to human-directed violence and an indicator of family crisis. Untreated, any type of abuse can escalate.
Fortunately, if people witness animal cruelty and neglect and report it to organizations with cruelty investigation authority, legal action can be taken. Federal, provincial and municipal laws cover animals and are used by Ontario SPCA investigators to protect animals in need. In fact, one of the most powerful ways the public can assist Ontario SPCA investigators with their lifesaving work is to understand how to recognize animal cruelty and to report it to authorities.

How to recognize animal cruelty:
Look for these common signs of neglect or intentional cruelty witnessed by Ontario SPCA investigators:

  • Wounds on the body.
  • Severely overgrown nails (often curling under) or hooves (often curling upwards).
  • Patches of missing hair.
  • Extremely thin, starving animals with ribs or backbone protruding.
  • Infected eyes that have been left untreated.
  • Limping.
  • Animals who are repeatedly left alone without food and water. Often they are chained up in a yard.
  • Animals who have been hit by cars and have not received veterinary attention.
  • Animals who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions. Tropical birds especially cannot tolerate cold temperatures.
  • An owner kicking, hitting or physically abusing an animal.
  • Animals who cower fearfully or act aggressively when their owners approach.
  • Severe flea or tick infestations left untreated.
  • Animals left in a car on a hot or cold day.
  • Animals crammed into tiny cages in overcrowded conditions.
  • Abandonment (often when pet owners move or by unprofitable farmers).
  • Reptiles with dull, darkened skin, tremors, gaping mouth and excessive saliva, or experiencing difficulty climbing.
  • Aquatic and amphibious creatures kept in tanks with murky water.
  • Illegal trapping of wild animals or animals left for extended periods in traps.
  • Excessive scratching of the head area, shaking of the head and dirt or discharge in ears indicative of a possible ear infection.
  • Chronic diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Animals kept in dirty conditions including being forced to stand in their own urine and excrement.
  • Swellings, such as tumors or abscesses, left untreated.
  • Rabbits with a severe head tilt.
  • Slaughter by untrained individuals.