It is with a very heavy heart I write this blog today, about one hour ago I lost one of my best friends, my Rory girl. She was not just a clients dog to me she was one of our own. Rory has been coming to me since she was just a 10 week old baby and she was just about two and a half now. Rory has spent countless days in my home with our family both human and animal, some weeks Rory was here more than her real home due to their very hectic work schedules and not for one minute did we mind having her squishy face. Rory was a handful some days, and could be very unpredictable but in spite of that we loved the bones of her. Rory on a daily basis made us laugh and giggle like no other, then ten seconds later we would have to put her in time out……That’s our Rory! She would arrive some mornings at 5am and without hesitation she would jump our gate to the stairs and would run down the hall and jump into bed with me as if to say ” Hey mama!!!! I’m back!” I would get her all snuggled in and we would sleep till 7am and then we would get up, have some breakfast and go out in the yard to play. We are shocked at the sudden loss of our Rory girl but are going to choose today to honour her life with us, rather than this day we lost her! Here are some photo’s of our time with our Rory girl. We love you our angel, although your time with us was short it was full of great memories and laughs. Thank you Rory for loving us as much as we loved you! xoxoxoxoxoxox
Who is Grace?

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