Hello all my fellow dog and puppy owners, it is that time of year again and when all our shelters are about to be filled to over capacity, all the puppies that were bought for Christmas are now starting to be more then you can handle right? Right! Where do you think these will end up? Yup in our shelters! If you think that’s crazy, wait till June, Yup the shelter are going to explode again with all the spring puppies that people are buying now and getting ready to breed to make some money. I don’t know about you but I am getting really sick and tired of rescuing these dear animals over and over people really need to start taking their responsibilities a little more serious! If you are on some sort of assistance, maybe you can’t afford an animal! Live in an apartment? then certain breeds of dogs are not for you! Are you lazy? then maybe that grey hound or sheppard is not the breed for you! are you active, like to run or hike? Again pick your dog right, a great dane or a bull dog is not right for you!! I am not saying that people should not own dogs, what I am saying is make a well informed decision! Help me stop all these back yard breeders and puppy mills, stop buying dogs off of the internet sites like Kijiji and others where you have no idea about the people or the animals they are selling! Start your home work by evaluating you and your families needs, figure out daycare for your dog or a dog walker if you work more than 5 hours a day! Who is going to walk the dog everyday, no matter the weather outside? Who is going to clean up after the dog? How will we afford the vet bills? What if the dog gets sick or injured? What do we do when we want to travel? Who will do the training? What will outside training cost? Does anyone have allergies to dogs? Are we going to start a family and have babies soon? Does my work make me travel? Does anyone have health needs that would hinder them from having a dog? Where are we going to get out new dog? How much will it cost?



These are all things that you need to think of before getting a new dog! People buy these dogs on pure impulse or because they are cute or worse, feel sorry for that dog! I know you guys think your doing the right thing, and maybe you are? In that moment, but the life of a dog does not last a moment! The average life of a healthy dog is a bare minimum of 10 years and can go as high as 20 years depending on breed and health! What I am asking is FIRST please stop buying dogs from websites, stores, etc. these are most likely dogs bred for profit! Lets start by emptying these shelters, rescues, and foster homes! Lets start by helping the dogs that are already here! Lets stop making new ones who ultimately end up on death row! Lets stop making new puppies to be abandoned, abused, thrown away, set free and worst of all euthanized! Lets free the ones that all ready exists! Lets find them new forever homes, lets remind them that not all humans are horrible, lets show them we care and that they are worthy! I know if you read yesterdays blog you know where all these unwanted puppies end up! If you don’t please go read it!

So as the title of this blog states I am starting a rrruff start program!! I need help as this is a huge task and will require lots of volunteers! Many of you read my blogs and say you support me in my efforts and also state you would like to help, well here is your chance! I will be building welcome home kits, which will include, bowls, leashes, collars, blankets, toys, treats, info on local vets, info on local trainers, I will be offering a hotline for questions you may have, all the info I can get you on your dogs breed and their needs!! I will be sending these kits home with dogs that have been rescued from the shelters as an incentive to rescue rather than purchase new! I will be letting our shelters know about the program so they also can use it as incentive for people looking to adopt! I will also even include a free assessment for you and your dog! This is my plan!!

Now you know the plan, now I need your help in executing it! I NEED DONATIONS! I need………. bowls, blankets, leashes, collars, crates, kennels, towels, treats, food, flea & tick solution, toys, training aids, you name it we need it! I will also be looking for financial donations as well to purchase anything we need from paper, ink, flyers etc. If you would like to contribute financially great! Send an email transfer to grace@rrruffhouse.com with the password ” new start ”  You can donate anything you want, you can drop it off here or we can make arrangements to pick stuff up! I would like to get this program into the pets stores, groomers, vet offices anywhere I can! Anywhere animals go and people can read! Please help me get this off the ground, you always ask how you can help? Here is how!!