I would like to tell you about RRRUFF START – an incentive program to encourage people to rescue dogs or puppies versus buying puppies from unlicensed breeders. I am looking for help to get this project up and off the ground. I am building 500 ‘welcome wagon’ kits for the year 2014 to be given away to people who rescue a puppy or an older dog of any breed.
I have volunteers ready to build ‘welcome kits’ but am short on supplies for these kits. I need to get the word out not only about the incentive program, but also about donations.
I need donations of the following items:
- Bowls
- Collars
- Leashes
- ID tags
- Food
- Treats
- Blankets
- Toys
- Cash donations are also accepted so we can source products and purchase what is needed
Along with the kit, the new owner will receive a list of all vets and support people in their area and information on the breed they have chosen and the training it will need.
The new owner will be required to sign a RRRUFF START pledge form stating that they will commit to care for this animal for the life of the animal. Rrruffhouse will offer free email and phone support at any time, for any reason to help support them in providing a forever home.
Thank you cards will be in each kit letting people know who helped make this happen so they realize it does take a village to raise a dog!
If we don’t stop the demand for puppies
we will never shut down the breeders for profit
In the past two decades somehow we have turned into a disposable society and for the most part do not take pride in anything, and as soon as something gets hard we quit. This is a pandemic not only in our children but also our dogs. There are more than 1000 back yard breeders, puppy mills, and stud farms, and people breeding dogs for profit in any given town, city or municipality, if you doubt me please go check out sites like Kijiji in any town across Canada and you will see an on slot of puppies for sale, and dogs to give away to a good home. And the sad part is that most people will give the dog away to the first person who shows up with no regards to the dogs wellbeing or safety, having no idea what happens to the dog.
Please let me inform you where 85% of those dogs go, some go to these puppy mills, back yard breeders and stud farms depending on the breed, some go homes on a whim and later are put to the local shelters as “strays” this is almost a guaranteed death sentence and some get passed around like a poker chip. The percentage of dogs that go to good homes and stay in those homes for their entire life is less than 10%!
As long as there is a demand for these puppies of any breed we will never be able to stop the over breeding and overcrowding of shelters, pounds and rescues. We need the public to really understand why it’s better to rescue a dog that already exist rather than make new ones to be discarded later. I know of what I am speaking of because I have been trying to rehome, retrain, rehabilitate, and reward these dogs for over 24 years and I am happy to say on one front I am doing well, but on the rehoming and rescuing I am failing miserably and not for lack of trying.
These poor dogs that get put down every day because of humans being selfish and not following through on their commitment to keep and love these dogs that THEY bought, sold, bred, gave away, dumped and worse abuse is breaking my heart. I am but one person, but I have the heart and passion of an army and it is what has brought me to this point.
Please feel free to check me out on my website at rrruffhouse.com and let’s partner in making change. Our animals are the victims of human greed with no voice, help me speak for them.
Thank you in advance
Grace Bryson
Hi there,
My name is Jessica and I am a volunteer for the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS). I am helping to compile a list of animal service agencies throughout Canada that VHS will utilize to share their recent work.
I am emailing to ask if you could provide me with a contact name and email address at your organization with whom VHS could get in touch with.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Email is grace@rrruffhouse.com and contact person is Grace Bryson
I can’t believe no one has responded to this. Let me be the first. I offer my time as well as a monetary donation to this wonderful idea. Come on people…give up a Timmys a day and you can buy a leash, collar, bowl, poop bags, anything inside of a week. These dogs need our help. We can all take a little time out of our busy lives. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk!! We need to take action and get rid of the dogs in shelters so they have a chance at a loving home. Don’t buy a dog-rescue one. Over the last year my opinion of shelter dogs has completely turned around. I am now more informed and will not buy another dog. I was always afraid of what I didn’t know about the background of a shelter dog. Well guess what? When you buy a dog off of one of the many websites out there, you don’t know what genes have been bred into that dog. For me and my family, when the time comes I will be rescuing a dog who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance! The Rrruff Start Program wants to provide a helping hand to those who rescue a dog. Everyone wants to help, so put your money where your mouth is. I propose a challenge. If you really want to help look at the list above and purchase enough items for one welcome wagon kit. Please give, there are too many dogs and not enough people. Let’s give a little something to the people who open their homes and hearts to rescue one of these dogs. Please contact Rrruffhouse to make your donation today. I will donate one welcome wagon kit. Who will donate the next one?