I just thought you would like to know how your donations will be spent and show you how much it is going to cost to send out a basic starter kit! The more donations we receive in either product or services will significantly drop the cost of each kit. We are asking for donations of money, food, product, services, info, advertising, distribution, ANYTHING!! if you can help please do, if you know of a company that can help please ask, if you know a manufacturer that can offer services please do, I am looking for any help that is available.
This is how your donations will be spent on each kit, This is me buying direct from manufacturers at whole sale prices. Each time a product is donated the cost of the kits will go down. Please donate what you can every bit counts!
500 kits will cost!
1000 bowls $2.99 each ( two per kit ) 1000 will cost $3000.00
collars $ 2.99 each 500 will cost $1495.00
leashes $3.99 each 500 will cost $1995.00
blankets $3.99 each 500 will cost $1995.00
food $45.00 per 18kg bag 500 will cost $22500.00
JW pet toy $2.05 500 will cost $1025
Dog treats $1.50 each 500 will cost $750.00
Grand total $30060.00
each kits will cost $60.15